The Official Bulletin of the State (BOE) picks up this Order APA/863/2008 that modifies four annexes of the one published in 2005 on fertilizing products.
He/she remembers that the international growing commitments to solve the emissions of gases of effect hothouse and other polluting gases have taken to the Government to approve a series of urgent measures of the Spanish Strategy of Climatic Change and Clean Energy.
Among them he/she is the establishment of a plan of reduction of the use of fertilizing nitrogenados to minimize the emissions of N2O and to diminish the energy necessary contribution for the production of this type of payments.
In the mentioned plan different measures are contemplated to reach these ends like the development of applicable new payment types in the fertirrigación.
This technique facilitates a bigger rationality and a better use of the fertilizers and for it is necessary that the used payments are compatible with this fertilization practice that incorporates them jointly to the floor with the watering water.
Also, like it is pointed out in the chapter VI of the Real Ordinance 824/2005, of July 8, it is necessary to go adapting the annexes from the norm to the technical progress and the scientific knowledge.
Hence they are upgraded and they revise the technical specifications of the fertilizing (annexed I) products as their identification and labelled (I annex II), the margins of tolerance (I annex III) and to the analytic (I annex VI) methods.
As in most of these annexes numerous corrections have been introduced, for their practical application, the new Order substitutes these four annexes completely.